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RSS FeedsHuawei`s Meng Wanzhou could learn date of looming extradition hearing
(The Star Toronto Raptors)


6 march 2019 20:00:34

Huawei`s Meng Wanzhou could learn date of looming extradition hearing
(The Star Toronto Raptors)

VANCOUVER—Meng Wanzhou could learn the date of her looming extradition hearing when the case returns to court on Wednesday — but the executive’s defence team could first argue the legality of her arrest, say lawyers familiar with extradition law.Meng is currently facing wire fraud, bank fraud and conspiracy charges in the U.S. over Huawei’s dealings with financial institutions and alleged attempts to circumvent American sanctions against Iran. Meng, the telecom company’s chief financial officer, has denied all allegations of wrongdoing through her lawyers.On March 1, Canadian Justice Minister David Lametti issued an “authorization to proceed” in Meng’s extradition. This means the B.C. Supreme Court has now been asked to decide whether the U.S. has obtained enough evidence for Meng to stand trial in the States. David Martin, lawyer for Meng, had earlier stated that after authority to proceed is granted, the defence team would receive a “record of the case”: documents outlining evidence likely to be presented should the case reach trial in U.S. court.What would normally happen next, said Seth Weinstein, a Toronto criminal defence lawyer, is the immediate scheduling of an extradition hearing to take place in the coming months — or additional arguments about evidence, if Meng’s defence team is unsatisfied with what’s being disclosed by the government.“Right now the record of the case would be in the hands of the Crown and her defence team,” Weinstein said. “Based on a review of (the record of the case) ... her counsel may say that it’s deficient in certain respects, they may request further information, they may request further evidence they argue ought to be disclosed before any committal hearing or extradition hearing is held.”Read more:U.S. hopes to force Meng Wanzhou to spill on Huawei, say former federal prosecutorsHuawei CFO Meng Wanzhou suing Canada, it ...

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